

I'm thankful. In the midst of it all, I count my blessings, at least I try to. God has been unbelievably great to me, it's the small and often unnoticed blessings that really take my breath away. For instance, this time two years ago I was in and out of the hospital with breathing problems caused by allergies, since then God has blessed me in ways I would never have imagined and I'm breathing y'all! In addition, He's moved people and things out of my life that had no benefit to me at all AND He's done major construction on me myself (I know how I wrote that). What I mean is that He's brought me to new levels of maturity so that I could see where I was not benefiting to others as well. It takes MAJOR growth to recognize and own up to your own faults and to then realize improvement doesn't come from you in solitary.

I'm thankful. No, all things are not perfect and I do not have all that I want in life BUT I am finally at the point that I realize- if I never get EVERYTHING I want in life, which is impossible because we as humans always want more, I am satisfied. It's in this satisfaction that I find peace NOT complacency; and I've found the drive to go after visions. Why visions? Because visions are vivid images of revelations (revealed matters) and goals are set to attain them. You see, visions are larger than goals. I aim to live life larger than itself!

I'm thankful and I owe my Heavenly Father God my best and my all. I'm grateful.

What about you?


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