

CrystalSays.com serves to bring awareness of self and self-worth. The author of each blog post is Crystal Haynes and she endeavors to reflect the positivity, inspiration and motivation that current media and society lacks. Blog posts on CrystalSays.com are appropriate for the age range of adolescent to adult. Important topics such as sex, self-esteem, suicide, education, life goals, friendships/relationships, and family dynamics are all expressed via this website.


CrystalSays.com is not all serious topic material, subscribers and visitors will find pictures of Crystal Haynes in various fashions (clothing styles) as well as a feature for women who “rock” their own personal style with a strong appreciation of their own body image—Curvy Woman Style (CWS). This style segment on the website serves the purpose of empowering, encouraging and reinforcing a positive body image, class and role model-ship to young women looking for something different than what they’re used to.


In addition to blog posts, there is a YouTube link that features video posts from Crystal Haynes herself. Overall, CrystalSays.com aims to be a voice to and for young women, women, youth and those who may be afraid to speak out. The website is a safe haven to anonymously comment, email questions, etc. CrystalSays.com is here to bring hope.

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